TruIAM (Identity & Access Management)
TRUIAM - Truminds Identity & Access Management System

TruIAM, Truminds Identity & Access Management System, enables identity management with corresponding support for Multitenancy, RBAC, Social Connect and Password-less-access.

TruIAM Technology Solution ensures that an organization's appropriate personnel have access to the tools they require to perform their tasks. It works on protocols like OpenID (Identity), OAuth (Social), etc. eliminating the necessity of storing login credentials. Our solution helps in managing and securing digital identities and also improves productivity.

Key Components
User identity Management

Creating and managing the digital identities for various entities on a network

Provisioning Users

Enabling provisioning of users’ access to resources via the policies based on role-based access control

User Authentication & Authorization

Verifying user credentials with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and granting access


Generating reports related to Monitoring and Logging Activities to ensure compliance and assess security risks

TruIAM Features

Support for identity and access management along with authorization

Different shareable 'Environments' that correlate with multiple project stages

Ready to use authentication pages creation corresponding to your projects

Password less and MFA configurations provide for quick and secure authentication processes

Web SDK availability to make use of your TruIAM settings

Any frontend framework can leverage Micro-frontend support to reuse customizable TruIAM displays

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